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Edward S. Cheng

Updated: March 27th, 2022 | Boston | Lawyer List E | Sherin and Lodgen LLP | Business Litigation, Construction Litigation, Insurance Coverage, Real Estate Litigation,

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Address: 101 Federal Street, boston, MA, 02110-1817
Law Firm: Sherin and Lodgen LLP
Phone: 617-646-2019
Fax: 617.646.2222
Website: http://www.sherin.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Insurance Coverage, Real Estate Litigation, Construction Litigation
DescriptionEdward S. Cheng is a partner in the firm’s Litigation Department and co-chair of the Professional Liability Group. He specializes in complex commercial disputes, professional malpractice cases, insurance coverage disputes, and real estate litigation. His clients include attorneys and their law firms, corporations, title insurance companies, and professional liability insurance companies. Ed has also litigated employment, construction disputes, trade secret, and non-competition agreement disputes, and has represented attorneys in disciplinary proceedings before the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers. While attending law school, Ed was the notes editor of the Boston College Law Review. After law school, Ed was law clerk to the Hon. Margaret H. Marshall of the Supreme Judicial Court for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Speaking Engagements and Publications: ‘Legal Ethics Issues Associated with Online Social Networks,’ panelist, Suffolk University Law School, Avoiding the Ethical Minefield of Online Social Networking and Marketing: Do You Know Who Your Friends Are?, March 2010 ‘Evidence Symposium,’ panelist, American Bankruptcy Institute, 2010 Northeast Consumer Winter Forum, January 2010 ‘Ethics Pitfalls for Practitioners,’ panelist, American Bar Association, December 2009 ‘Lateral Hires Can Bring on a Lot of Potential Conflicts Baggage,’ ABA Journal, with Jessica G. Kelly, December 2009 ‘Calling Up Dangers to Privilege,’ Corporate Counsel, with Christopher R. Blazejewski, November 12, 2009 ‘Evidence,’ panelist, American Bankruptcy Institute Northeast Bankruptcy Conference, July 2009 ‘Dialogue with State Court Judges,’ program chair, Boston Bar Association, April 2009 ‘Massachusetts Legal Malpractice Law,’ 50 State Survey of Legal Malpractice Law, with Debra Squires-Lee and Janeen Blake, Professional Liability Litigation Committee, American Bar Association, February 2009 ‘How Private Is that Email to the Contract Attorney in Mumbai? Attorney-Client Privilege in the 21st Century,’ moderator, Association of Corporate Counsel, Northeast Chapter, February 2009 ‘Top Tips for Avoiding Malpractice Claims,’ panelist, American Bar Association Connection teleconference, December 17, 2008 ‘Communications: Letters are still best,’ in ‘Malpractice Minefield: 5 top traps – and how to avoid them,’ American Bar Association Journal, December 2008 ‘The New Federal Rule of Evidence 502: Limitations on Waiver,’ American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability Advisory, September 2008 ‘Lawyers Facing Lawsuits from Clients and Colleagues,’ speaker, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Northeast Regional Conference, May 2008 ‘Civil Practice Issues,’ panelist, Lawyers Following Orders: Ethical Pitfalls and Practical Advice, Suffolk University Law School Center for Advanced Legal Studies and the New York City Bar, April and May 2008 ‘Biting the Hand that Sues You: Anti-SLAPP Statutes and Malicious Prosecution Cases,’ panel speaker, Lawyers’ Professional Liability Conference, American Bar Association, September 2007 Bench-Bar Conference, program chair, Boston Bar Association, March 2007 ‘Practical Strategies for Avoiding Conflicts,’ panel speaker, Suffolk University Law School’s Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Spring 2007 ‘Business Litigation: Federal or State Court,’ program co-chair, Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Boston Bar Association, December 2006 ‘Lawyers Facing Lawsuit,’ program chair, Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Massachusetts Bar Association, 2003-2004 ‘Shifting Sands: The Shift of Management’s Fiduciary Duty to Creditors in the Zone of Insolvency,’ director and officer, Liability Seminar, Center for Advanced Legal Studies at Suffolk University Law School, April 25, 2003 ‘Dangerous Liaisons – What You Write for Your Client Can Get You Sued,’ speaker, Professional Liability Committee, Boston Bar Association, 2002 ‘An Attorney’s Duty to Non-Clients,’ New England Law Review, vol. 37, p. 55, 2002 ‘Hey, Who Threw That Snowball? Attorneys Blindsided by Non-Client Lawsuit,’ speaker, Professional Liability Committee, Boston Bar Association, 2001 ‘The Levy v. Reardon Problem: Form over Substance,’ with E. Randolph Tucker, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Real Estate Conference, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, 2000 ‘Boys Being Boys and Girls Being Girls – Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment from the Courtroom to the Classroom,’ UCLA Women’s Law Journal, vol. 7, p. 263, 1997 ‘A Discussion on Ethical Decisions,’ Journal of Legal Professionals, vol. 21, p. 89, 1996-1997 ‘Thomas S. Kuhn and Courtroom Treatment of Science Evidence,’ Temple Environmental Law & Technology Journal, vol. 15, p. 195, 1996. Community Involvement: Massachusetts State Ballot Law Commission, member Harvard Law School Trial Advocacy Workshop, Advisor, 2001-present
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