Updated: September 11th, 2022 | Lake Charles | Lawyer List E | Hunter Hunter & Sonnier LLC |
The current rating on Edwin K. Hunter is
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Address: 1807 Lake Street, lake-charles, LA, 70601-5771
Law Firm: Hunter, Hunter & Sonnier, LLC
Phone: 337-513-0893
Fax: 337-439-2505
Website: http://www.hhslawfirm.com
Title | Member |
First Year of Call | |
Areas of Practice | Taxation, Trusts and Estates, Wills, Probate, Oil and Gas, Corporate Law, Business Law |
Description | Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa; Tau Kappa Alpha; Delta Sigma Rho; Mu Sigma Rho. LSU Law Center Hall of Fame, 1989. Order of the Coif. Associate Editor, Louisiana Law Review, 1966-1967. Author: ‘Planning for the Surviving Spouse Under Forced Heirship,’ Community Property Journal, Fall, 1974; ‘Co-Ownership Under the Mineral Code,’ Twenty-Second Annual Institute on Mineral Law, 1975; ‘Estate Tax Valuation of Farmland,’ Louisiana Bar Journal, February, 1983; ‘Delegating Estate Asset Selection,’ Louisiana Bar Journal, August, 1986. Speaker: Louisiana Advanced Tax Workshop, Louisiana Trial Lawyer’s Association; Louisiana State Bar Summer School for Lawyers; Law School for Doctors; Louisiana State University Law Center, 26th Annual Estate Planning Seminar; LSU Center of Continuing Professional Development; 35th Hawaii Tax Institute; University of Texas Law School, 17th Annual Bankruptcy Conference. Member, Advisory Committee: Revision of Book II, Louisiana Civil Code, Louisiana Law Institute; Institute on Mineral Law. Member: Louisiana Education Television Authority, 1971-1983; Governor’s Task Force on Instructional and Public Television, 1970-1971; Louisiana Commission on Indian Affairs, 1972-1980. Trustee: Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation; Chambers Medical Foundation; Fritz Lang Foundation; Olive Tupper Foundation. |
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