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Elise B. McLurkin Horton

Updated: February 25th, 2024 | Mooresville | Lawyer List E | Jones Childers Donaldson & Webb PLLC | Elder Law,

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Address: 149 Welton Way, mooresville, NC, 28117
Law Firm: Jones Childers Donaldson & Webb, PLLC
Phone: 704-746-9402
Fax: 704-663-0939 Real Estate
Website: http://www.jcdwlaw.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeElder Law
DescriptionPast Attorney, Mooresville Graded School District. Past Member, Mooresville Foundation for Excellence in Education Board of Directors; Past Member: Mooresville-South Iredell Board of Directors, United Way of Central Carolinas, Inc. and Lowe’s YMCA Mooresville Regional Board. Past Legal Counsel, Lake Norman Home Builders’ Association.
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Jones Childers Donaldson & Webb PLLC

The attorneys in our law firm are committed to excellence, teamwork and innovative practices in working to solve our clients’ often complex legal issues. This commitment to client satisfaction has resulted in the firm’s reputation for excellence and has earned the respect of the community since the early days of the firm’s practice.

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