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Elise M. Kern

Updated: July 25th, 2021 | Irvine | Lawyer List E | Palmieri Tyler Wiener Wilhelm & Waldron LLP | Business Litigation, Employment Litigation, Litigation,

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Address: 1900 Main Street, Suite 700, irvine, CA, 92614-7328
Law Firm: Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron LLP
Phone: 949-851-9400
Fax: 949-851-1554
Website: https://www.ptwww.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Business Litigation, Employment Litigation
DescriptionMs. Kern is a partner of Palmieri Tyler and concentrates her practice in the general business litigation department. Her practice includes all business litigation matters, including employment litigation, real estate litigation, unfair competition, and contract actions. She has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in state and federal courts.
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Palmieri Tyler Wiener Wilhelm & Waldron LLP

Big Firm Talent – Small Firm AttentionServing Business Clients in Orange County, California for over Three DecadesSince 1986, Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron LLP has prided itself on being the Orange County firm big enough to handle any legal matter while providing an individualized, small firm level of service to each client. When you come to our firm for assistance with a specific legal need, we begin…

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