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Elizabeth M. Towe

Updated: April 3rd, 2021 | Knoxville | Lawyer List E | Bernstein Stair & McAdams LLP | Civil Litigation, Domestic Relations, Family Law,

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Address: 116 Agnes Road, knoxville, TN, 37919
Law Firm: Bernstein, Stair & McAdams LLP
Phone: 865-546-8030
Fax: 865-522-8879
Website: http://www.bsmlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Domestic Relations, Civil Litigation
DescriptionElizabeth was born in Germantown, Tennessee. She attended the University of the South and graduated cum laude with a B.A. in English in 2010. She graduated in May 2013 from the University of Tennessee College of Law where she served on the Editorial Board of the Tennessee Law Review.Ms. Towe was admitted to the Tennessee Bar in November of 2013, and she worked as a judicial clerk for the Chancellors of Knox County Chancery Court before joining the firm in 2014.Ms. Towe engages in a general practice with a focus in the area of domestic relations.
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Bernstein Stair & McAdams LLP

For over 50 years, Bernstein, Stair & McAdams LLP has focused on providing value to its clients.Bernstein, Stair & McAdams LLP was founded in 1959. The firm’s focus over the years has been to provide the highest level of legal representation and service to its clients on an efficient and cost effective basis. This approach has enabled the firm to remain small enough to provide personalized service to clients without duplication of eff…

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