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Ellen Anne Bragg

Updated: August 26th, 2021 | Monroe | Lawyer List E | Perry Bundy Plyler & Long L.L.P. |

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Address: 316 North Hayne Street, monroe, NC, 28111-0007
Law Firm: Perry, Bundy, Plyler & Long L.L.P.
Phone: 704-289-2519
Fax: 704-282-0105
Website: https://perrybundylaw.com/

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Perry Bundy Plyler & Long L.L.P.

Dedicated to serving all citizens of Union County since 1980.When you are looking for an attorney, you want a firm that can handle your needs by providing legal knowledge, service, discretion and practical advice. Perry, Bundy, Plyler & Long, L.LP. has been serving the citizens of Union County for over 30 years. Legal needs are personal and one size does not fit all.Our attorneys have a wide range of knowledge and experience in our…

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