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Eric B. Morrell

Updated: December 19th, 2023 | New Brunswick | Lawyer List E | Law Offices of Eric B. Morrell |

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Address: 142 Livingston Avenue, new-brunswick, NJ, 08901
Law Firm: Law Offices of Eric B. Morrell
Phone: 732-964-9257
Website: https://www.ebm-law.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense, Expungements, Drug Crimes, Homicide, Assault and Battery, Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Burglary, Theft
DescriptionBased in New Brunswick and serving the Central Jersey area, Attorney Morrell provides each of his clients with knowledgeable and experienced representation in all aspects of criminal defense. The Law Offices of Eric B. Morrell has developed an outstanding reputation among clients and colleagues alike for its ability to provide strong representation for any New Jersey resident facing criminal charges. When you are struggling with a criminal law matter, you need a skilled attorney by your side. Attorney Morrell will provide you with the best criminal defense to increase your chances of a desirable result. He focuses his firm on the client’s effort to rehabilitate themselves by encouraging them to work with a mental health professional or participate in a drug or alcohol treatment program, and have had much success over the years with this strategy. Awards – Rising Star Super Lawyers 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Speaking Engagements – Risk Management Sigma Alpha Mu’s Chapter Leaders Day Convention White Plains, NJ 2018 – Moderated a DWI Interlock Seminar through the NJ Middlesex County Bar Association October 2015 – Municipal Court: Immigration Consequences of Municipal Court Convictions NJCLE Seminar 2013 – Risk Management Sigma Alpha Mu Rutgers University 2013 – Risk Management Sigma Alpha Epsilon Rutgers University 2013 – Risk Management Rutgers Fraternity Risk Management 2010 – Trying and Defending Blood Alcohol Cases/Moderator Middlesex County Bar Association 2010
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Law Offices of Eric B. Morrell

One of New Jersey’s top-rated Criminal Defense Trial Attorneys who has earned a reputation as A Fighter Not a Handshaker Our law offices seek to rehabilitate each client.Based in New Brunswick and serving the Central Jersey area, the Law Offices of Eric B. Morrell provides each of its clients with knowledgeable and experienced representation in all aspects of criminal defense. The firm prides itself on aggressively serving its clients a…

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