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Eric R. Severson

Updated: October 18th, 2022 | Tequesta | Lawyer List E | Burns & Severson P.A. | Probate Administration,

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Address: 390 Tequesta Drive, tequesta, FL, 33458
Law Firm: Burns & Severson, P.A.
Phone: 561-440-2863
Website: http://www.burnsandseverson.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeProbate Administration
DescriptionFormerly with Alley, Maass, Rogers & Lindsay, P.A.
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Burns & Severson P.A.

Boutique law firm limiting its practice to the areas of estate planning, probate and trust administration.Burns & Severson, P.A. Combining in excess of 65 years of legal expertise, we proudly serve our clients in the Palm Beaches and throughout South Florida, striving to help solve and assist with their estate planning and administration needs. Our practices are limited to estate planning and administration matters, as well as related tax…

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