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Franklin M. Hartzell

Updated: July 26th, 2023 | Carthage | Lawyer List F | Tucker Hartzell & Bryant | Banking, Estate Planning, Probate, Real Estate,

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Address: 608 Wabash Avenue, carthage, IL, 62321-1444
Law Firm: Tucker, Hartzell & Bryant
Phone: 855-334-7492
Fax: 217-357-2027

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Probate, Real Estate, Banking
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Author: ‘Ancillary Administration in Illinois,’ Illinois Estate Administration, Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1989, 1993 and 1997. City Attorney, City of Carthage, 1955-1969. President, Board of Visitors, College of Law, University of Illinois, 1981-1982.
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Tucker Hartzell & Bryant

Preeminently Rated-Established in 1852-Serving Western Illinois.The firm was established in 1852 as Ferris & Manier and has conducted a general practice in Western Illinois, representing individuals, corporate, banking and business interests in local and regional matters and taxation. The firm’s practice for individuals includes personal injury, family law, estate planning, probate, and personal legal affairs. The firm has maintained an a…

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