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Fred B. Fromhold

Updated: December 11th, 2021 | Villanova | Lawyer List F | Fromhold Jaffe & Adams | Planning and Land Use, Real Estate, Zoning,

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Address: 789 East Lancaster Avenue, villanova, PA, 19085
Law Firm: Fromhold Jaffe & Adams
Phone: 610-527-9100 ext- 201
Fax: 610-527-6549
Website: http://www.fromholdjaffe.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Zoning, Planning and Land Use
DescriptionEditor, Villanova Law Review, 1972-1973.
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Fromhold Jaffe & Adams

Estate and Real Estate Lawyers Serving the Main Line Since 1973A professional corporation serving clients primarily in the Main Line, Montgomery County, Delaware County and Chester County areas principally in the practice areas of estate planning, estates, real estate and zoning.

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