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Garris Neil Yarborough

Updated: October 8th, 2020 | Fayetteville | Lawyer List G | Yarborough Winters & Neville P.A. |

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Address: 115 East Russell Street, fayetteville, NC, 28301
Law Firm: Yarborough, Winters & Neville, P.A.
Phone: 910-433-4433
Fax: 910-433-2233
Website: http://www.ywnlaw.com/

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeConstruction Law, Civil Litigation, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Corporate Law, Business Law, Administrative Law, Wills, Estates
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta. Assistant County Attorney of Cumberland County, 1977-1982. County Attorney of Cumberland County, 1982-1988 and 1994-1999. Town Attorney of Saint Pauls, 1991 . County Attorney of Hoke County 1993-2007. Town Attorney, Parkton, 2002 . Town Attorney, Lumber Bridge, 2003 . Town Attorney, Red Springs, 2009 . Attorney, Cumberland County ABC System, 2003 . Attorney, Onslow County ABC System, 2007 . Attorney, North Carolina Indian Housing Authority, 2004 ; Attorney, North Carolina Auctioneer Licensing Board, 2008 . Member, North Carolina Administrative Procedures Study Commission, 1980-1981. Trustee, Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, 1991-1994. Member of Panel, American Arbitration Association. Certified Superior Court Mediator. President of North Carolina Association of County Attorneys, 1996-1997.
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