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Garvan McDaniel

Updated: June 11th, 2021 | Wilmington | Lawyer List G | Hogan♦McDaniel Attorneys at Law | Litigation, Real Estate Litigation,

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Address: 1311 Delaware Avenue, wilmington, DE, 19806
Law Firm: Hogan♦McDaniel, Attorneys at Law
Phone: 302-504-8149
Fax: 302-656-7599
Website: http://hoganmcdaniel.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Real Estate Litigation
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Business Manager, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law.
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Hogan♦McDaniel Attorneys at Law

Dedicated, Direct, Decisive.Hogan♦McDaniel has been serving the needs of businesses and individuals from Delaware since its establishment more than 20 years ago. Based in Wilmington’s Historic Delaware Avenue Area, the firm’s attorneys and staff members provide comprehensive service tailored to each client’s individual needs. The firm also provides skilled assistance to clients in The Delaware Chancery Court as well as in the U.S. Bankrup…

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