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Gary James Marchese

Updated: October 22nd, 2020 | Waltham | Lawyer List G | Gary James Marchese |

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Address: 85 River Street, Suite 11A, waltham, MA, 02453-8321
Law Firm: Gary James Marchese
Phone: 781-839-9084
Fax: 781-891-8657
Website: http://www.marcheselaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Family Law, Divorce, Child Support, Alimony, Annulment, Visitation, Probate Law, Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts
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Gary James Marchese

Attorney Marchese is determined to bring honesty and integrity to the practice of law.Attorney Marchese has been providing strong and effective legal advice for 34 years. Attorney Marchese is a strong advocate with exceptional litigation skills, having appeared before Judges in every county in Massachusetts. His honesty and integrity is beyond reproach. Attorney Marchese has the experience to solve legal problems expeditiously. He is a la…

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