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Gary W. Kendall

Updated: December 2nd, 2020 | Charlottesville | Lawyer List G | MichieHamlett Attorneys at Law | Personal Injury Law,

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Address: 310 4th Street NE, charlottesville, VA, 22902
Law Firm: MichieHamlett Attorneys at Law
Phone: 434-326-1619
Fax: 434-951-7218 DID
Website: http://www.michiehamlett.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury Law
DescriptionGary W. Kendall represents workers suffering from asbestos-related injuries. He primarily serves persons injured by job-related hazards and toxic materials. Gary has spoken on personal injury law at bar association meetings and national conferences on asbestos, product liability, personal injury, and workers compensation. He has been practicing law in Virginia since his graduation in 1976 from the University of Richmond School of Law in Richmond, Virginia. Gary serves as general counsel to the Virginia AFL-CIO, and he spends time each year lobbying at the General Assembly in Richmond for workers’ rights and laws promoting occupational health and safety. He has been an active member and national board member of the American Association of Justice and the American Board of Trial Advocates.
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MichieHamlett Attorneys at Law

Charlottesville, Virginia trial attorneys with years of experience in personal injury law, family law, and commercial law. A multi-service law firm dedicated to providing exceptional legal services and value to their clients.MichieHamlett is a multi-service law firm dedicated to providing exceptional legal services and value to our clients. Since our formation in 1946, we have grown and developed the capability of handling complex matters…

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