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George A. Silvester

Updated: April 7th, 2021 | Hartford | Lawyer List G | Silvester & Kappes |

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Address: 118 Oak Street, hartford, CT, 06106
Law Firm: Silvester & Kappes
Phone: 860-969-0428
Fax: 860-727-9243
Website: http://www.law-sk.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionJudge, Municipal Court, Assistant States Attorney, Hartford County, 1966-1969. Chairman, Charter Revision Commission, 1979 and Zoning Chairman, Board of Appeals, 1960-1961, City of Hartford.
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Silvester & Kappes

Civil and Criminal Litigation in Connecticut’s CourtsSilvester & Kappes is dedicated to the litigation of civil and criminal matters in Connecticut. We are a successor firm to Silvester & Daly which was founded in 1969. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of legal service in an efficient and cost effective manner. We encourage you to contact our civil litigation or criminal litigation departments to disc…

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