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George Alfred Townsend

Updated: October 1st, 2020 | Midlothian | Lawyer List G | George A. Townsend IV P.L.L.C. |

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Address: , midlothian, VA, 23113
Law Firm: George A. Townsend, IV, P.L.L.C.
Phone: 804-718-4214
Fax: 804-782-0115
Website: http://www.townsendcriminallaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, Criminal Defense, DUI/DWI, White Collar Crime, Drug Crimes, Theft, Assault, Domestic Violence
DescriptionI am an attorney capable of listening, not just talking. Call me at (804) 248-0400 to discuss your case and you will immediately know that I will take the time to listen to you and fully understand your concerns.Any lawyer can talk; but, the most effective lawyers are skilled in the art of listening. Too many lawyers are quiet just to think of the next thing to say. I will listen to you and be responsive to your needs and concerns. After five years of trial work as a prosecutor, I decided to make the transition to private practice to help criminal clients in their time of need. Since graduating from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1998, I have practiced criminal law exclusively. I know the law, and I have the experience to help you with any criminal charge. Over the years, I have helped thousands of people with criminal charges in Virginia state and federal courts.Call me to discuss your case and give me the opportunity to tell you how I will you use my years of experience to help you.AccessMy clients often contact me in a time of personal or family crisis. When you call (804) 248-0400, I will answer the phone or you will receive my personal voicemail. I assure you quick, efficient access to me to immediately so I can begin to help you. I will return your phone call personally. All contact you have regarding your case will be directly with me.
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George A. Townsend IV P.L.L.C.

Former Federal & State Prosecutor Focusing Exclusively On Criminal LawFor the past 15 years, I have used my background as a prosecutor to help clients with criminal charges. As a former prosecutor, I know how criminal cases are built and know how to defend against them. Call me for a FREE CONSULTATION. We will personally discuss the facts of your case, and I will give you an i…

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