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George Tierney

Updated: March 17th, 2022 | Hawthorne | Lawyer List G | Jeffer Hopkinson & Vogel |

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Address: 1600 Route 208N, hawthorne, NJ, 07507-0507
Law Firm: Jeffer, Hopkinson & Vogel
Phone: 973-333-4504
Fax: 973-423-5614
Website: http://jhvlaw.com

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Jeffer Hopkinson & Vogel

The firm offers a wide range of services with offices in New Jersey and FloridaThe firm was founded by Peter Hofstra with its principal office located in Paterson, New Jersey. The firm grew in prominence and eventually evolved into the present day firm with offices located in Hawthorne, New Jersey and Tequesta, Florida. The firm offers a wide range of legal services for individuals, small businesses, and large developers, including civil…

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