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George V. Hartmann

Updated: March 17th, 2021 | Stockton | Lawyer List G | Hartmann Law Firm | Health Care, Mergers and Acquisitions,

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Address: 3425 Brookside Road, Suite A, stockton, CA, 95219-1757
Law Firm: Hartmann Law Firm
Phone: 209-451-5858
Fax: 209-956-9929
Website: http://www.hartmannlawfirmca.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMergers and Acquisitions, Health Care
DescriptionInstructor, Taxation, Civil Procedure, Estate Planning, Humphrey’s Law School, Stockton, California, 1977-1987. Chairman, Stockton Unified School District Strategic Planning Committee.
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Hartmann Law Firm

Estate & Tax Planning, Water and Reclamation Law, Corporations, Partnerships, LLC’S, Asset Protection, Health Care Law, Mediation, Real Estate Transactions & Finance

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