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George V. Welty

Updated: July 22nd, 2023 | Ligonier | Lawyer List G | Welty & Welty LLP |

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Address: 244 West Main Street, ligonier, PA, 15658-1233
Law Firm: Welty & Welty, LLP
Phone: 724-879-5106
Fax: 724-238-4977
Website: http://www.ligonierlawyer.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeGeneral Civil Practice, Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Probate, Estate Administration, Real Estate Closings, Title Insurance, Real Estate, Corporation, Municipal
DescriptionSolicitor: Ligonier Township Municipal Authority, 1977-1991; Ligonier Municipal Authority, 1991 ; Ligonier Borough, 1983 . Chairman of the Board, Commercial National Financial Corporation, 2004 .
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Welty & Welty LLP

Providing prompt, professional and effective legal representation since 1976

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