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Gilbert L. Hamberg

Updated: July 25th, 2020 | Yardley | Lawyer List G | Gilbert L. Hamberg | Bankruptcy,

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Address: 1038 Darby Drive, yardley, PA, 19067
Law Firm: Gilbert L. Hamberg
Phone: 215-321-6909
Fax: 215-321-6909
Website: http://www.GilbertLHamberg.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy
DescriptionLaw Clerk/Student Intern to the Hon. Emil F. Goldhaber, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, E.D.Pa., 1976-1977. Rates Attorney, PA Public Utility Commission, 1977-1980. Author: articles reviewing utility decisions in PA Law Weekly, 2004 and Philadelphia Legal Intelligencer, 1994-2001; ‘Offering Payment Options to Customers’, NPPA Energy, Essent 4 (Feb. 2014); ‘Federal Courts Conflict Whether Electricity is a Goods’, Energy Central, Energy Pulse (Jan. 24, 2014); ‘Strategies can Protect Utilities from Unpaid Bills’, NPPA Energy, Essent 4 (Jan. 2014); ‘Protecting Your Utility When a Customer Files for Bankruptcy’, 69 Public Power (June 2011); ‘Practice Pointers: Serving a Bankrupt Member’, Nat’l Rural Electric Coop. Ass’n, 45 Legal Rep. Serv. 3 (June 2009); ‘Doctrine of Reverse Preemption,’ 4 ABI Health Care Newsletter 1 (Aug. 2007); ‘New Section 366 (c),’ 45 ABA Infrastructure 6 (Summer 2006); ‘Section 366 Utility Motions,’ 19 Bankruptcy Strategist 4 (Jan. 2002); ‘Responding to Sec. 366 Motions’, Nat’l Rural Elec. Ass’n, 37 Legal Rep. Serv. 1 (Nov. 2001); ‘Reducing Bad Debt Expenses,’ 87 J. of Amer. Water Works Assoc. 101 ( April 1995); ‘Keeping PRP’s Out of Bankruptcy Courts,’ 42 J. of Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 259 (March 1992); ‘The Power of a Bankruptcy Court to Set Utility Rates,’ 5 Electricity J. 50 (Jan./Feb. 1992); ‘Are Bankruptcy Courts Observing State Laws?,’ 79 Credit World 35 (July/Aug. 1991); ‘Gain on Disposition of Utility Land,’ 108 Public Utilities Fortnightly 41 (Aug. 13, 1981). Co-Author: ‘Turning Municipal Claims into Dollars,’ Municipal Law Colloquium, Pa. Bar Institute, 1997 edition; ‘Recent Developments in the Law: Bankruptcy Chapters,’ La. Bar Assoc. (1989 & 1990 editions).
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Gilbert L. Hamberg

Gilbert L. Hamberg is an experienced bankruptcy and utilities attorney and focuses his practice upon representing public utilities in bankruptcy cases and stakeholders in utility rate or other regulatory cases.

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