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Graydon Miller Jordan

Updated: January 27th, 2022 | Charlotte | Lawyer List G | Graydon Miller Jordan | Business Litigation, Civil Litigation, Estate Administration, Guardianship,

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Address: 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 300, charlotte, NC, 28204
Law Firm: Graydon Miller Jordan
Phone: 704-594-4771
Fax: 704-332-8264
Website: http://millerjordanlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Civil Litigation, Estate Administration, Guardianship
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. CLE Lecturer on Guardianship and Protection of Assets, 2005.
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Graydon Miller Jordan

G. Miller Jordan was born in Raleigh and grew up in Cary, North Carolina. Mr. Jordan graduated from Cary High School and received his B.A. degree from Wake Forest University in 1968 and law degree from Wake Forest in 1971. Following a short stint as an officer in the U.S. Army, he came to Charlotte in January 1972 and began the practice of law. He has been a frequent lecturer for continuing Legal Education regarding the Uniform Commercial Code an…

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