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Gregory C. May

Updated: November 3rd, 2020 | Pocatello | Lawyer List G | May Rammell & Wells | Adoption, Litigation, Personal Injury Law, Wills,

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Address: 216 West Whitman, pocatello, ID, 83204-0370
Law Firm: May, Rammell & Wells
Phone: 208-656-3572
Fax: 208-234-2961
Website: https://www.mayrammellwells.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury Law, Adoption, Litigation, Wills
DescriptionGreg May hails from Rockland, Idaho. He played football for the University of Utah, and then continued his education by attending law school at the University of Idaho. He has been practicing in Southeast Idaho since his graduation from the U of I with his law degree in 1976.Greg practices in almost every legal field. He has over 40 years of experience in Personal Injury (Plaintiff), Family Law (divorce, adoptions, wills, estate planning), Criminal Defense, Worker’s Compensation and Immigration law. Over the course of his practice, there are very few issues that Greg hasn’t faced in his very successful career as one of our Pocatello lawyers.Member, Magistrate Commission, 1994-1996. CLE Faculty, Family Law.
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