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Guy W. Hull

Updated: December 1st, 2021 | Garland | Lawyer List G | Guy W. Hull J.D. |

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Address: 629 W. Centerville Road, Suite 202, garland, TX, 75041
Law Firm: Guy W. Hull, J.D.
Phone: 972-535-4408
Fax: 972-271-0553
Website: http://www.guyhulllawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense, Family Law, Domestic Relations, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Civil Litigation, Mediation
DescriptionCommunity Service:- City of Garland, Civic Center Bond Study Committee, Member-1973- Garland I. S. D. Multi Ethnic Committee, Member- Established Kiwanis Teen Power of Garland (Job Placement for Teens)- Garland-West Kiwanis Club (Past President 1973-74)- Kiwanis International (Past Lt. Governor, Division 37, Texas-Oklahoma Dist., 1977-78)- Baylor Bear Foundation, Former DirectorHonors & Recognition:- Distinguished President, Garland-West Kiwanis Club (1973-74)- Kiwanian of the Year, Garland-West Kiwanis Club (1973-74)- Distinguished Lt. Governor, Texas-Oklahoma Dist. Kiwanis International (1977-78)- Kiwanis International New Club Building Award (1977-78)- Fellow, College of the State Bar of Texas- Honored Endowed Fund Scholar of the College of the State Bar of TexasService & Fraternal Organizations:- Kiwanis International (Life Member)- Texas-Oklahoma District Kiwanis International (Life Member)- Texas-Oklahoma District Kiwanis International Past Lt. Governor’s Assn. (Life Member, Charter Member)- Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International (Life Member) (R.E.B. Baylor Chapter)- Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Marketing & Sales ManagementAssociations (Current & Former):- State Bar of Texas- Colorado Bar Association- American Bar Association- Dallas Trial Lawyers Association- Texas Trial Lawyers Association- Colorado Trial Lawyers Association- Texas Indian Bar Association- Native American Bar Association- Federal Bar Association- Dallas Bar Association- Denver Bar Association- Rockwall Bar Association- Federal Circuit Bar Association- The Dallas County Bar Association- New York State Trial Lawyers Association- The Association of Trial Lawyers of America- Fellow Southern Trial Lawyers Association- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers- Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association- Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyers Association- The Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers- Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association- Dallas County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association- National Association of Counsel for Children- United States Fifth Circuit Bar Association- United States Court of Federal Claims Bar Association- United States Federal Circuit Bar Association- Bar Association for the United States Eastern District of Texas- The Bar Association of the District of Columbia- Texas Association of MediatorsOther Associations:- The University of Texas at Arlington Alumni Association (Life Member)- Baylor Alumni Association (Life Member)- Baylor Law Alumni Association (Life Member)MediationTraining- Attorney Mediator Institute Basic Mediator Training (July 1999)- Attorney Mediator Institute Advanced Mediator TrainingDispute Resolution & Mediation Associations- Dallas Bar Association– Dispute Resolution Section- Texas Association of Mediators.Fraternity- Duck Creek Masonic Lodge 1419, Garland, Texas (Endowed Member)- Garland Masonic Lodge 441, Garland, Texas (Endowed Member)- A. C. Garrett Masonic Lodge 1216, Dallas, Texas- Fate Masonic Lodge 802, Fate, Texas- A. C. Garrett Commandery No. 103, Knights Templar of Texas- Scottish Rite Bodies, Dallas, Texas- Hella Shrine, Garland, Texas
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Guy W. Hull J.D.

Since 1970, we have chosen to operate a full-service law practice. In this capacity we provide legal services to our clients in a variety of areas fitted to our clients’ problems and needs. We have found that more often than not our clients have problems and needs in a variety of areas of the law. Staying abreast of the ever-changing laws is a challenge that we meet head on. One of the tools we implement to address this issue is by part…

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