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Halleh Omidi

Updated: July 17th, 2021 | Denver | Lawyer List H | McGuane and Hogan PC |

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Address: 3773 Cherry Creek North Drive, Suite 950, denver, CO, 80209
Law Firm: McGuane and Hogan, PC
Phone: 720-593-3830
Fax: 303-691-9900
Website: http://www.mcguanehogan.com

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McGuane and Hogan PC

We wrote the book on Family Law in ColoradoAt McGuane and Hogan, LLP, our Colorado family law attorneys know that family law matters are stressful. We understand the dynamics of divorce and promise to do everything we can to meet your needs. We are committed to offering emotional support, trust, and confidence in the development and maintenance of a successful attorney-client relationship.As one of the most prominent and well-respected…

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