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Harry R. Hill

Updated: August 20th, 2023 | Lawrenceville | Lawyer List H | Backes & Hill L.L.P. | Civil Litigation, Complex Litigation, Corporate Law,

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Address: 3131 Princeton Pike, Building 5, Suite 114, lawrenceville, NJ, 08648-2201
Law Firm: Backes & Hill, L.L.P.
Phone: 609-362-3189
Fax: 609-895-2933
Website: http://www.backesandhill.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Complex Litigation, Corporate Law
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi; Board of Directors, St. Francis Medical Center, 1985-2009 (Chairman 1988-1990; Vice Chairman, 2003-2004). Board Member, St. Francis Medical Center Foundation, 1993-2001. Director: Franciscan Health Corp.& Neumann Insurance Co., 1986-1996; Catholic Health East (CHE) Stewardship Committee, 2005-2008. Public Juridic Person, Hope Ministries, Catholic Health East, 2008; Secretary, Mercer County Ethics Committee, 1967-1978.
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Backes & Hill L.L.P.

Entrust your legal interests to the attorneys at Backes & Hill LLP. Backes & Hill (formerly Backes & Backes) has been serving the communities of Mercer, Middlesex, Burlington, Somerset, Ocean and Hunterdon Counties since 1886. With a proven track record for securing the most favorable results in personal injury cases, negotiating and closing real estate transactions, and providing individualized advice in estate planning to our clients, the attor…

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