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Heidi Doerhoff Vollet

Updated: April 9th, 2021 | Jefferson City | Lawyer List H | Cook Vetter Doerhoff and Landwehr A Professional Corporation | Appellate, Commercial Litigation, Estate Litigation, Personal Injury,

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Address: 231 Madison Street, jefferson-city, MO, 65101-3202
Law Firm: Cook, Vetter, Doerhoff and Landwehr A Professional Corporation
Phone: 573-298-4627
Fax: 573-635-7414
Website: http://www.cvdl.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate, Commercial Litigation, Personal Injury, Estate Litigation
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Order of the Coif. Lead Articles Editor, Missouri Law Review, 1999-2000. Law Clerk, William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States, O.T. 2001; John R. Gibson, Eight Circuit Court of Appeals, 2000-2001. Associate, Covington and Burling, 2002-2005. Counsel to Chief Deputy, Missouri Attorney General’s Office, 2005-2009.
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Cook Vetter Doerhoff and Landwehr A Professional Corporation

Cook, Vetter, Doerhoff & Landwehr, P.C. has skilled advocates, negotiators, and confidential advisors who have a breadth of experience in a wide range of civil matters. Our practice areas include business litigation, governmental issues, banking, class actions, plaintiffs’ personal injury, appellate, and trust and estate litigation and advice. With each client, large or small, we strive to provide outstanding legal service and achieve the best an…

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