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Hutson S. Davis

Updated: September 3rd, 2020 | Bluffton | Lawyer List H | Johnson & Davis PA | Health Care, Medical Malpractice Defense,

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Address: 10 Pinckney Colony Rd., bluffton, SC, 29909
Law Firm: Johnson & Davis, PA
Phone: 843-941-4074
Fax: 843-815-7122
Website: http://www.jdwpa.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice Defense, Health Care
DescriptionHutson S. Buster Davis, Jr. is a Shareholder of the Firm. Mr. Davis joined Johnson Davis’s predecessor, BARRY L. JOHNSON, PA, in 2009. From 1973 to 1976, Mr. Davis was an Assistant Attorney General for the State of South Carolina and engaged in civil and criminal litigation on behalf of the State of South Carolina. Moving to Beaufort, South Carolina in 1976, Mr. Davis entered the private practice of law. Since that time, his practice has evolved from general defense litigation to almost exclusively the defense of physicians in malpractice actions. Mr. Davis is also a certified mediator for civil cases.Born in Albertville, Alabama, Mr. Davis moved at an early age to Greenville, South Carolina. He is an Eagle Scout. Mr. Davis graduated from the University of South Carolina, B.A. History, in 1969 and earned his Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1972. During his undergraduate studies at the University of South Carolina, Mr. Davis was a member of the University Debate Team and was the Atlantic Coast Conference Debate Champion. Mr. Davis was a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity and Blue Key Honor Society. Upon graduation from law school, Mr. Davis served in the United States Air Force as Captain in the JAG Corps.A frequent lecturer at the South Carolina Defense Trial Lawyers Academy and CLE courses, Mr. Davis has made numerous presentations to medical groups concerning medical malpractice, including the South Carolina Medical Association. He has been published by, and lectured for, The National Business Institute on The Subjects of Civil Damages and Advanced Issues in Medical Malpractice. Mr. Davis is also published in the Federation and Insurance Corporate Counsel Quarterly, Vol. 42, #14, Protecting Thoughts and Communications from Invasive Discovery: The Attorney/Client Work Product Privileges.Active in the community, Mr. Davis is the Founder of the Beaufort County Charities Golf Tournament, has served as Chairman of the Beaufort Memorial Hospital Foundation, was the first Co-Chairman of the Beaufort County Hospital Ball, and past President of the Beaufort County Bar Association. He has coached little league baseball and basketball in the Beaufort area, and is actively involved with speech and hearing impaired students, and a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow. Mr. Davis is a practicing Episcopalian, serving two terms as a Vestryman. Mr. Davis is serving his 3rd term as Delegate to the Diocesan Convention of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina and has been appointed by The Bishop as The Church Attorney for the Diocese.Mr. Davis is married to Debbie Dawsey-Davis, a Speech Language Pathologist and Lowcountry Regional Special Education Coordinator for the South Carolina Public Charter School District. They have 2 daughters, 2 stepdaughters and 3 grandchildren.
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Johnson & Davis PA

We believe in practicing law with integrity, and doing things the right way.Johnson & Davis, PA is a civil litigation, real estate, and business law firm located in Bluffton, South Carolina, and serving communities throughout the Lowcountry and across the state of South Carolina. Our attorneys have either grown up in South Carolina or just across the Savannah River in Georgia, and know and understand the area and its people. The Firm main…

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