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Isaiah Vallejo-Juste

Updated: December 14th, 2020 | New York City | Lawyer List I | Hennessey & Bienstock LLP | Matrimonial Law,

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Address: 551 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor, new-york, NY, 10022
Law Firm: Hennessey & Bienstock LLP
Phone: 212-512-0821
Website: http://www.hblawny.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMatrimonial Law
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta.
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Hennessey & Bienstock LLP

New York City Divorce AttorneysHennessey & Bienstock LLP is a pre-eminent matrimonial and family law firm, with offices in midtown Manhattan and White Plains, and with lawyers who have more than half a century of experience representing clients in the full spectrum of divorce and family law issues in all courts in New York City, Westchester and the surrounding counties. The firm stresses personal, compassionate and cost-effective represen…

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