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J. Greenlee

Updated: November 25th, 2022 | Winona | Lawyer List J | Greenlee Law Firm Inc. | Civil Practice, Probate Administration, Real Property,

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Address: 401 Summit St., Suite 103, winona, MS, 38967
Law Firm: Greenlee Law Firm, Inc.
Phone: 662-508-0317
Fax: 662-283-4805

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Property, Probate Administration, Civil Practice
DescriptionAttorney: Montgomery County Board of Education, 1981-2000; Montgomery County Prosecuting Attorney, 1980 ; Town of Kilmichael, 1981 ; Town of Vaiden, 2007 ; Former Commissioner of Mississippi Bar.
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Greenlee Law Firm Inc.

Since 1980 I have practiced law in Winona, MS and the surrounding counties. I specialize in land, probate and Chancery Court cases. I also represent several banks and small business creditors. Those clients require help with collections, bankruptcy and other creditor rights matters, and that makes up my Circuit Court and Federal Court practice. I served as the elected county prosecutor in Montgomery County from 1980 until 2020, and I have served…

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