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Jackson C. Bebber

Updated: August 31st, 2020 | Asheville | Lawyer List J | The Van Winkle Law Firm | General Civil Litigation, Land Use, Litigation, Personal Injury,

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Address: 11 North Market Street, asheville, NC, 28801
Law Firm: The Van Winkle Law Firm
Phone: 828-552-5924
Website: http://www.vwlawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, General Civil Litigation, Litigation, Land Use
DescriptionJackson Bebber, a principal at our firm, and our litigation practice group leader, focuses his practice on general civil litigation, eminent domain defense, and commercial and residential real estate litigation. He currently serves on the North Carolina Bar Association’s Litigation Section Council and the UNC Law Alumni Association Board of Directors. He formerly served on the Asheville Downtown Commission and the Asheville-Buncombe Historic Resources Commission. Prior to earning his law degree, Bebber was an award-winning residential and commercial real estate broker, and a director of the Asheville Board of Realtors. Community Involvement Asheville Board of Realtors, Former Director Asheville Chamber of Commerce Advocacy and Policy Committee Asheville Downtown Commission South Buncombe Youth League Volunteer WNC Green Building Council, Former Director UNC Law Alumni Association Board of Directors Professional Affiliations 28th Judicial District Bar American Bar Association North Carolina State Bar American Association for Justice Harry C. Martin American Inns of Court North Carolina Advocates for Justice. Member, Eminent Domain and Auto Torts Sections. North Carolina Bar Association Member. Litigation Section Council.
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The Van Winkle Law Firm

Big Firm Skills. Small Firm Care.The Van Winkle Law Firm is one of the most respected and established law firms in North Carolina. Since 1907, our firm has provided exceptional legal representation to North Carolina residents and businesses to meet their personal, commercial, business, and estate planning needs. We are fully committed to being more than just legal representatives. We pride ourselves on taking the time to understand the…

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