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James Babek

Updated: March 14th, 2021 | Rocky Hill | Lawyer List J | Testan Law | Personal Injury, Workers Compensation,

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Address: 2080 Silas Deane Highway, Suite 304, rocky-hill, CT, 06067
Law Firm: Testan Law
Phone: (860) 563-6200
Fax: 860-563-6206
Website: https://www.testanlaw.com

TitleAssociate Attorney
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeWorkers Compensation, Personal Injury
DescriptionJames Babek received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy from St. Mary’s College in 1994. He then attended Quinnipiac University School of Law in Hamden, Connecticut, graduating in 1999 and admitted to the Connecticut Bar later that year.Throughout his over twenty-year career, Attorney Babek’s practice of law has focused on Workers’ Compensation. He began his career representing injured workers’ and later worked as staff counsel for two predominant insurance carriers defending employers in workers’ compensation matters. He has successfully litigated cases from inception to trial and settlement handling all aspects of workers’ compensation litigation.Attorney Babek has represented a wide range of clients from uninsured employers to large corporations has provided a proactive approach to working files quickly to conclusion.
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Testan Law

Testan Law, founded in 1996 by its Senior Managing Partner, Steven C. Testan, is an innovative and dynamic national law firm whose primary practice areas are the defense of Workers’ Compensation and General Liability claims, employment discrimination cases and related matters. With offices covering the states of California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas, the…

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