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James R. Greupner

Updated: March 17th, 2021 | Minneapolis | Lawyer List J | Siegel Brill P.A. | Business Law, Real Estate Law, Tax Law,

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Address: 100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 1300, minneapolis, MN, 55401-2110
Law Firm: Siegel Brill, P.A.
Phone: 612-337-6111
Fax: 612-339-6591
Website: http://www.siegelbrill.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, Real Estate Law, Tax Law
DescriptionMember, Minnesota Law Review, 1972-1974.
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Siegel Brill P.A.

In 1948, three experienced attorneys joined forces to create the law firm now known as Siegel Brill. They didn’t want to become the biggest, just the best. They developed long lasting relationships with clients by understanding their needs and providing quality and reasonably priced legal and business counsel. Today the tradition continues. At Siegel Brill we primarily focus on privately held businesses and the people who own them. Over the pa…

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