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James R. Harris

Updated: April 29th, 2021 | Corpus Christi | Lawyer List J | Harris & Greenwell | Commercial Litigation, Insurance Law, Negligence, Personal Injury, Product Liability,

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Address: 800 North Shoreline Boulevard, corpus-christi, TX, 78401
Law Firm: Harris & Greenwell
Phone: 361-883-1946
Fax: 361-882-2900
Website: http://www.harris-greenwell.com

TitleSenior Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation, Negligence, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Insurance Law
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta. Winner, Moot Court Competition, University of Texas. Listed in Best Lawyers in America. Author: ‘Legal Liability of Speculative Trading in Ginnie Maes,’ Texas Savings and Loan League.
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Harris & Greenwell

Dedicate, Ethical and Experience attorneys who practice all areas of Litigation including, Civil, Commercial, Wrongful Death Personal Injury, and Medical Malpractice.HARRIS & GREENWELL, a law firm composed of two lawyers and their dedicated staff, is devoted to a general civil trial and civil appellate practice. The firm (or its predecessors) has a historical focus on general commercial litigation, but its civil trial and appellate practi…

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