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James Shin

Updated: May 15th, 2021 | Honolulu | Lawyer List J | Roeca Luria Shin LLP | Appellate Practice, Construction Litigation, Insurance Coverage, Insurance Defense,

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Address: 841 Bishop Street, honolulu, HI, 96813
Law Firm: Roeca Luria Shin LLP
Phone: 808-538-7500
Fax: 808-521-9648
Website: http://www.rlhlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeInsurance Defense, Insurance Coverage, Construction Litigation, Appellate Practice
DescriptionMember, University of Iowa Law Review, 1992-1994. Arbitrator, Court Annexed Arbitration Program, State of Hawaii.
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Roeca Luria Shin LLP

Roeca Luria Shin was founded in 1988 as a firm specializing in trials and litigation.Roeca Luria Shin LLP is one of Hawaii’s premier civil trial law firms, providing a wealth of trial and litigation management experience to our clients. We have handled and successfully resolved many difficult, complex and high profile cases. We bring well honed problem solving skills to the aid of clients confronting trials and litigation matters. We trea…

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