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James Sprouse

Updated: August 21st, 2020 | Raleigh | Lawyer List J | Sprouse Law Firm PLLC |

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Address: 3101 Poplarwood Court, Suite 115, raleigh, NC, 27604
Law Firm: Sprouse Law Firm, PLLC
Phone: 919-954-1900
Fax: 919-954-1780
Website: http://sprouseandkurtzlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Collections, Construction Law, Business Law, Business Litigation, Corporate Law, Employment Law
DescriptionJames W. Sprouse, Jr. (Jimmy) is the founding member of Sprouse Law Firm, PLLC and has been representing creditors since 1999, devoting the majority of his practice to the fields of commercial collections and construction law. Mr. Sprouse has extensive experience protecting the rights of construction materials and equipment suppliers, which involves filing and litigating lien claims and bond claims. Mr. Sprouse also represents creditors in bankruptcy proceedings to recover collateral, pursue claims, and defend against preference actions.
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Sprouse Law Firm PLLC

Raleigh North Carolina law firm, focusing on Creditors’ Rights, including Commercial Collections, Business Litigation, Construction Litigation, Liens, Bond Claims and Creditor Representation in Bankruptcy.For more than fifteen years, James W. Sprouse Jr. has represented businesses and individuals in the state and federal courts of North Carolina. Sprouse Law Firm focuses on construction litigation and commercial collections. We represent…

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