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James T. Zuba

Updated: July 30th, 2021 | Rockford | Lawyer List J | Zuba & Associates P.C. | Criminal Law, Family Law, Personal Injury,

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Address: 6067 Strathmoor Drive, rockford, IL, 61107
Law Firm: Zuba & Associates, P.C.
Phone: 815-516-8105
Fax: 815-397-1834
Website: http://www.zubalaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, Family Law, Personal Injury
DescriptionCertified Public Accountant, 1980. Instructor, U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Trial Advocacy Course. Assistant United States Attorney, 1986-1998. Private practice working in the areas of Family Law, Criminal Defense, and Personal Injury from 1998 to the present.
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Zuba & Associates P.C.

Former federal prosecutor and experienced trial attorney leading Rockford team litigating divorce, custody, personal injury,Trusted Representation for Difficult Times The Law Offices of Zuba & Associates, P.C. provides experienced trial advocacy and skilled out-of-court negotiations in family law, personal injury, and federal criminal defense. In close consultation with our clients, we put all our resources into achieving the optimal o…

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