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James W. Sheedy

Updated: May 13th, 2021 | Rock Hill | Lawyer List J | Driscoll Sheedy P.A. |

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Address: 331 E. Main Street, Suite 235, rock-hill, SC, 29730
Law Firm: Driscoll Sheedy, P.A.
Phone: 803-327-4472
Website: http://www.driscollsheedy.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCreditors Rights, Corporate Law, Government, Insurance, Litigation, Real Estate, Securities, Zoning, Planning and Land Use
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Named, Outstanding Young Men of America, 1985-1986. Guest Speaker, South Carolina Bankruptcy Lawyers Association: 1992, Lender Liability; 1993, Trial Practice in the Bankruptcy Court; 1997, Conversion and Consummation; 1998, Lender Liability Update; 2000, Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases. Guest Speaker: South Carolina Bar Annual Convention, Business Law Update, Corporation, Banking and Securities section of the Bar, 2005; York Technical College, Consumer Law, 2006; South Carolina Bar Annual Convention, Banking Law Update and Professionalism and Ethical Considerations in Opinion Practice, Corporation, Banking and Securities section of the Bar, 2007; South Carolina Bar Annual Convention, Unauthorized Practice of Law in Commercial Transactions, Corporation, Banking and Securities section of the Bar, 2009. Speaker, Municipal Association of South Carolina Annual Meeting 2007 (Thinking Outside the Box – Development Agreements with Big Box Retailers). Requested Guest Speaker, ABA Water Rights Conference, San Diego, CA (to discuss intervention victory in South Carolina v. North Carolina, 130 Sup. Ct. 854, Jan. 20, 2010), 2011. Board Member: York County Public Defender Corporation, 1986-1987; Piedmont Legal Services Corporation, 1988-2000. Director, South Carolina Legal Services Board, 2010 .
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