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Jason E. Gilmore

Updated: March 10th, 2021 | Birmingham | Lawyer List J | Gordon Dana & Gilmore LLC |

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Address: 600 University Park Place, Suite 100, birmingham, AL, 35209-6775
Law Firm: Gordon, Dana & Gilmore, LLC
Phone: 205-874-7950
Fax: 205-874-7960
Website: http://www.gattorney.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Transactions, Real Estate Litigation, Corporate Law, Trusts and Estates, Business Law, Mergers and Acquisitions
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Golden Key; Phi Sigma; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Bench and Bar. Recipient, Birmingham Bar Association Scholarship.
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Gordon Dana & Gilmore LLC

We Are The Law Firm To Help You Protect Your Assets.Gordon, Dana & Gilmore, LLC’s mission is to offer its attorneys’ attention and resources exclusively to the practice of business and corporate law and litigation arising out of business relationships.Gordon, Dana & Gilmore, LLC is the preferred law firm for the handling and referral of sensitive business, personal and litigation matters that require troubleshooting expertise as w…

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