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Jason Timothy Shipp

Updated: February 8th, 2022 | Pittsburgh | Lawyer List J | Goldberg Persky & White P.C. | Appeals, Personal Injury, Products Liability, Toxic Torts,

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Address: 11 Stanwix Street, Suite 1800, pittsburgh, PA, 15222
Law Firm: Goldberg, Persky & White, P.C.
Phone: 412-662-0924
Fax: 412-471-8308
Website: https://www.gpwlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppeals, Personal Injury, Products Liability, Toxic Torts
DescriptionJason is a shareholder at Goldberg, Persky, and White and has represented injured people there since graduating from law school in 2001. He brings a wide-range of skills to his legal practice, whether arguing before the highest levels of the Commonwealth’s judiciary on behalf of working people and their families, or battling in the trenches at trial against those corporations that have killed or injured through their recklessness or negligence.Jason’s tenacity and his mastery of complex legal issues provide his clients with a formidable advocate when they are at their most vulnerable and are in their greatest need. Over his career, he has successfully represented thousands of asbestos victims in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland and Maine. For years, Jason co-managed Goldberg, Persky, and White’s federal practice in MDL-875 in Philadelphia, thereby allowing hundreds of asbestos victims to finally find closure in the courts.Recognizing the utter unfairness of the inability of asbestos victims to sue their former employers while at the same time being unable to collect workers’ compensation benefits because of the latency period of asbestos disease, Jason broke new legal ground after years of advocacy by convincing trial courts in Western Pennsylvania to recognize the right of asbestos victims to bring lawsuits against companies they worked for that exposed them to asbestos. In 2013, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania finally recognized the reasoning that Jason conceived and developed almost a decade earlier, thus expanding the ability of all Pennsylvania asbestos victims to seek justice for their suffering.Jason has successfully represented victims of the natural gas industry, whether they are families whose homes have been ruined because of groundwater contamination produced by fracking, or those whose homes have been made unlivable by burgeoning and dangerous industrial sites. He also represents victims of cancer whose diseases stem from radiation exposure caused by corporate neglect, as well as victims living with Parkinsonism brought about by years of employment-related exposure to solvents and welding rods.Supporting the pioneering work of his partner, Jason Luckasevic, Jason has assisted hundreds of former NFL players against the NFL and Riddell in relation to head trauma they suffered during their career. He also has a leading role in pursuing compensation for hundreds of former NFL players in relation to their publicity rights.Jason is a graduate of the Florida State University (B.A. 1995) and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law (J.D., magna cum laude 2001). He was Research Editor for the University of Pittsburgh Law Review and was selected as a member of the Order of the Coif. He was recognized for achieving the highest grade earned in his class for Torts as well as Conflict of Laws. His law school classmates selected him as Most Likely to Argue Before the U.S. Supreme Court among the Class of 2001.
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Goldberg Persky & White P.C.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos LawyersGoldberg, Persky & White P.C. reputation has been largely built on our success with asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits for over 30 years. However, with over 20 attorneys and 5 offices in 3 states, we have a large body of experience in other areas of plaintiff’s law.Injuries don’t fit into a simple type. We’ve listed some major areas below or you can view a more detailed list of practice areas here. I…

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