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Jay Brinker

Updated: March 10th, 2024 | Cincinnati | Lawyer List J | Jay Brinker | Estate Planning, Living Wills, Probate, Trust, Wills,

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Address: 414 Walnut Street, Suite 1220, cincinnati, OH, 45202
Law Firm: Jay Brinker
Phone: 513-878-1852
Fax: 1-877-406-9473
Website: http://www.jaybrinker.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Trust, Wills, Probate, Living Wills
DescriptionFrequent guest on WVXU’s ‘On the Money hosted by Chris DeSimio’ over 15 years. Host of the Jay Brinker Tax Institute from 1995-2003. One of Cincinnati Magazine’s Top Wealth Managers in 2009, 2010 and 2012. Member of Planned Giving Committee of the Ronald McDonald House.
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Jay Brinker

I practice primarily in the areas of estate planning, probate, and asset protection. I emphasize making a difficult and bewildering process as enjoyable as it can be for my clients. I always try to provide ‘more for less.’I practice in the areas of estate planning, probate, asset protection, and small business planning. I emphasize making a difficult and bewildering process as enjoyable as it can be for my clients. I always try to provide…

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