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Jeffrey Kerstetter

Updated: June 16th, 2022 | Cherry Hill | Lawyer List J | Malamut & Associates LLC |

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Address: 457 Haddonfield Road, Suite 500, cherry-hill, NJ, 08002
Law Firm: Malamut & Associates, LLC
Phone: 856-651-1623
Website: http://www.malamutlaw.com

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Malamut & Associates LLC

Practicing since 2001, Malamut & Associates, LLC is the law firm people in New Jersey call when they want the representation of experienced, knowledgeable attorneys capable of handling even the most complex cases. If you are accused of committing an offense or if you are being prevented from achieving the justice you deserve, our attorneys can advocate persistently on your behalf. Our office in Cherry Hill skillfully defends individuals accused o…

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