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Jeffrey L. Willis

Updated: September 19th, 2021 | Wichita | Lawyer List J | Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Willis PA |

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Address: 727 N Waco Avenue, Suite 585, wichita, KS, 67203-3956
Law Firm: Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Willis PA
Phone: 316-776-4873
Fax: 316-263-0045
Website: https://www.jefflwillis.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, Bankruptcy, Wills, Probate, Litigation, Civil Practice, Bankruptcy Chapter 7
DescriptionKANSAS ATTORNEY ASSISTS WITH LITIGATION, ESTATE PLANNING AND BANKRUPTCY A seasoned attorney can help you simplify complex issues and overcome legal challenges. At my Wichita firm, the Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Willis PA, I’ve provided strong support to Kansas residents and businesses since 1980. In Sedgwick County and other locations, I advise clients on numerous types of matters, including business law, litigation, estate planning and bankruptcy. My background, reputation, and local knowledge give clients an advantage whether they’re engaged in a legal dispute, are looking to protect family assets, or are searching for a way to relieve their debt burden. Contact an accomplished Kansas attorney to schedule an appointment. The Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Willis PA advises clients in the Sedgwick County area on business, estate planning and bankruptcy matters. Please call 316-776-4877 or contact me online to schedule an appointment at my Wichita office.
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Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Willis PA

REPUTABLE SEDGWICK COUNTY FIRM DEDICATED TO HELPING CLIENTS SUCCEEDExperienced Wichita Lawyer Handles Business and Individual Concerns Specializing in the areas of LITIGATION, ESTATE PLANNING AND BANKRUPTCY A seasoned attorney can help you simplify complex issues and overcome legal challenges. At my Wichita firm, the Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Willis PA, I’ve…

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