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Jeffrey McElroy

Updated: September 2nd, 2020 | Philadelphia | Lawyer List J | Jacobs Law Group PC | Appellate, Business Law, Contracts, Litigation,

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Address: 130 N. 18th Street, Suite 1200, philadelphia, PA, 19103
Law Firm: Jacobs Law Group, PC
Phone: (215) 569-9701
Fax: 215-569-9788
Website: http://www.jacobslawpc.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate, Litigation, Business Law, Contracts
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Jacobs Law Group PC

Business Lawyers and Litigators for Businesses and Business OwnersThe FirmThe Jacobs Law Group, PC is a boutique business law firm based in Center City Philadelphia. Founded in 1999 by Managing Attorney and Principal Neal A. Jacobs, the Firm’s mission is to provide a fresh alternative to the traditional large, national law firms. Witnessing a trend among larger law firms to shift their focus and attention toward…

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