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Jennifer A. Beckman

Updated: September 3rd, 2020 | Minnetonka | Lawyer List J | Beckman Steen & Lungstrom P.A. |

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Address: 14550 Excelsior Boulevard, Suite 206, minnetonka, MN, 55345
Law Firm: Beckman Steen & Lungstrom, P.A.
Phone: 952-467-8800
Fax: 952-938-3480
Website: http://www.bsllawmn.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAnnulment, Alimony, Child Custody, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Support, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Relations, Domestic Violence, Family Mediation, Juvenile Law, Legal Separation, Marital Agreements, Marital Property Distribution, Marital Property Law, Marital Property Settlements, Matrimonial Law, Paternity, Premarital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Spousal Support, Uncontested Divorce, Visitation Rights, Family, Divorce, Trusts and Estates, Estate Planning
DescriptionJennifer A. Beckman is a partner at Beckman Steen & Lungstrom, P.A. Ms. Beckman has practiced in the family and probate areas of law since 1987. Jennifer initially trained to become a marriage and family therapist, however her passion for assisting families led her to law school. Her family law practice involves a variety of family law matters including simple divorces, custody/parenting time issues, complex financial and business issues, spousal support and post-decree issues. Her probate practice includes guardianships/conservatorships and the probate of uncontested and contested wills.Ms. Beckman involves her clients in resolving their issues whether through mediation, collaborative practice, negotiation, or litigation. If necessary, Ms. Beckman is an experienced litigation attorney who is comfortable in the courtroom.Jennifer is actively involved in the community, she volunteers at Perpectives (part of Tubman/Chrysalis). She is a volunteer Guardian ad Litem for Incompetent Adults through Hennepin County. Jennifer is a sponsor and speaker for Rediscoverying U in relevant topics in the family law area. Jennifer is a closet writer and enjoys being part of a writers group, Women of Words (WOW).Jennifer also assist clients who want to amiably resolve their divorce through the Collaborative Practice process. Through her Collaborative Practice training at the Collaborative Law Institute she is highly qualified to represent clients through family law issues outside of the courtroom setting. Jennifer is also an attorney through DRI Alliance for Marriage and Divorce Professionals assisting client who may not be ready for divorce explore their options before commencing a divorce proceeding.
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Beckman Steen & Lungstrom P.A.

Where Families Come FirstBeckman Steen & Lungstrom P.A. Where Families Come FirstWhen you have a legal problem, it affects everything your job, your children and your future. It is important to have strong legal representation to get your life back on track. At Beckman Steen & Lungstrom, P.A., we guide clients through the legal process so they are ready to move forward when their legal issues are resolved.Minnesota Attorne…

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