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Jennifer Ashley Boldi

Updated: February 19th, 2022 | Scottsdale | Lawyer List J | Resnick & Louis P.C. | Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business Litigation, General Civil Litigation, Insurance Defense,

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Address: 8111 E. Indian Bend Road, scottsdale, AZ, 85250
Law Firm: Resnick & Louis, P.C.
Phone: 602-726-2313
Website: http://www.rlattorneys.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAlternative Dispute Resolution, Business Litigation, Insurance Defense, General Civil Litigation
DescriptionCertificate in Dispute Resolution, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. Literary Citation Editor, Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary. Founder of Pepperdine Animal Law Society. General Counsel to Mission Critical Technologies, Inc.
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Resnick & Louis P.C.

Resnick & Louis, P.C. is a national mid-size institutional & insurance defense law firm, represented bya team of vastly diverse & experienced attorneys who pride themselves on achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients.Resnick & Louis, P.C. provides the highest quality legal advice and representation to clients across the country, offering a full range of transactional and litigation services. With offices in Arizona, California…

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