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Jennifer Gornall

Updated: December 4th, 2020 | Erie | Lawyer List J | Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett P.C. | Education Law, Government, Municipal Law,

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Address: 120 W 10th St., erie, PA, 16501-1461
Law Firm: Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett, P.C.
Phone: 814-315-3653
Fax: 814-453-4530
Website: http://www.kmgslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeGovernment, Education Law, Municipal Law
DescriptionMs. Gornall practices local governmental law, with a specific focus on education and special education law. She represents many school districts in the northwest Pennsylvania region. Ms. Gornall handles special education mediations and due process hearings. She has experience in a wide range of school issues, such as student discipline matters, including expulsion procedures, hearings and student discipline policy drafting; student records and privacy issues; public meeting procedures; constitutional issues affecting students; public records and ethics laws; transportation contracts; construction building projects; and many other procedural and legal issues that confront both school district administrations and boards of directors. Ms. Gornall also represents regional municipal entities such as townships, boroughs and municipal authorities, including port authorities, airport authorities and water and sewer authorities.Awards & Honors: Inaugural Recipient of 2005 Generation-E Leadership Award, Young Erie ProfessionalsCommunity & Professional Service: WQLN, Board Member 2008-present; The Ophelia Project, Board Member 1998-2006; Community House, Inc., Board Member 1998-2002; March of Dimes, ‘Ambassador Family,’ 2004, Board Member 2005-2007, Board President 2006-2007; ECBA Attorney Kid Connection, Participant; Erie County Truancy Task Force, Member 2008-present; City of Erie Diversity Task Force, Member 2006-2008.
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