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Jeremiah James

Updated: January 5th, 2023 | Cheyenne | Lawyer List J | Hathaway & Kunz LLP | Business Formation, Business Law, Estate Planning, Powers of Attorney, Securities,

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Address: 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 500, cheyenne, WY, 82001
Law Firm: Hathaway & Kunz, LLP
Phone: 307-634-7723
Fax: 307-634-0985
Website: https://www.hkwyolaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Law, Business Formation, Securities, Powers of Attorney, Estate Planning
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Hathaway & Kunz LLP

The attorneys at Hathaway & Kunz have been forging creative legal solutions and providing effective representation to the businesses and people of Wyoming for more than thirty yearsHathaway & Kunz, LLP was founded in 1975 by former two-term Wyoming Governor and U.S. Secretary of Interior, Stanley K. Hathaway, along with Brent R. Kunz, who had worked as Counsel for U.S. Senator Clifford P. Hansen and as Special Assistant t…

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