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Jim Franklin

Updated: June 14th, 2023 | Granbury | Lawyer List J | Cain Firm Injury Attorneys |

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Address: 111 S. Houston Street, granbury, TX, 76048
Law Firm: Cain Firm Injury Attorneys
Phone: 817-753-3963
Website: https://www.cainfirm.com

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Cain Firm Injury Attorneys

Good lawyers helping good people.WE WORK HARD TO FIND THE TRUTHWe are proud to serve our friends and neighbors in North Texas with honesty and integrity. We treat our clients with respect and understanding from the first call through the resolution of the case. Attorney Brett Cain will listen to your story and gather the evidence needed to prove to the insurance company that you have been harmed and that it is up to them to repa…

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