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Jo Anne S. Bitner

Updated: January 28th, 2024 | Reston | Lawyer List J | Odin Feldman & Pittleman P.C. |

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Address: 1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 400, reston, VA, 20190
Law Firm: Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, P.C.
Phone: 703-218-2192
Fax: 703-218-2160
Website: http://www.ofplaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionA twenty year veteran of Virginia’s ever growing and expanding commercial and residential real estate market, Jo Anne Bitner understands the legal and business challenges facing builders and developers in Virginia and across the country. Whether navigating complex legal problems or difficult business negotiations, Jo Anne’s practical and common sense approach provides her clients with an innovative outlook toward solving challenges their business may face. With a practice focusing on large commercial and residential real estate development, Jo Anne has extensive experience in condominium and property owners’ association documentation; development agreements; and deeds of dedication, subdivision and easement. Her clients include many national and regional builders and developers, and her work has been instrumental in the development of many large commercial and residential projects in Northern Virginia. A leader in her field, Jo Anne served on the Board of Zoning Appeals for the Town of Vienna, Virginia and was a founding board member of HomeAid Northern Virginiaa charitable arm of the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association that partners with builders and developers to provide for the construction and renovation of shelters for the transitionally homeless. Jo Anne is actively involved with Women Giving Back, a charitable task force of HomeAid that provides clothing and accessories for transitionally homeless women re-entering the work force. Jo Anne was most recently selected by Virginia Business magazine as a 2014 Legal Elite in Real Estate Law. She was also selected by her peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2017 list for Real Estate Law.
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Odin Feldman & Pittleman P.C.

We work with you to develop a shared vision and effective strategies that help you meet your goals. Partner with us on your next business transaction, personal matter, or legal issue.Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, P.C., a full-service law firm located in Reston, Virginia, serves clients in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and throughout the nation. Established in 1972, we have grown to nearly 60 attorneys who offer experience in practic…

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