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Joanne H. Ottmar

Updated: September 20th, 2020 | Jamestown | Lawyer List J | Ottmar & Ottmar P.C. | Divorce, Family Law, Mediation, Personal Injury, Social Security Disability,

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Address: 226 2nd Avenue S.W., jamestown, ND, 58402-1397
Law Firm: Ottmar & Ottmar P.C.
Phone: 701-252-7229
Fax: 701-252-7461
Website: http://www.ottmarlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Divorce, Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, Mediation
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Blue Key. Member: Mortar Board; Order of the Barristers.
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Ottmar & Ottmar P.C.

A Family law Firm in North DakotaOttmar & Ottmar P. C. located in Jamestown, ND is a family law firm committed to upholding the highest ethical standards of law practice. We are a results oriented law practice, dedicated to providing personalized attention to our clients. We have earned our reputation for legal excellence by offering you the most diligent and professional legal representation.

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